Montana Romantic Retreat Kit!


Romance is in the air! This entirely Made in Montana kit has items to create a cozy retreat. Included in this kit are a selection of Montana products that are the beginning of a great loving time. To begin, add water, ice and tequila to the Montana Margarita mix and place in iced glasses, light the soy candle-these are made by  Sunshine Can-dles of Polson and feature scented soy candles in new Montana Brewery skins-with the ambiance set, draw a bath with the Rock Creek Bath Bubble bomb, enjoying the scents and sensations.

While bathing share some creamy delicious Bequet Chocolate Caramels as you sip your margarita. When you are dried off from your immersion, apply gentle Windrift Hills Goat Milk Lotion, soothing and aromatic, then you enjoy where your relaxation takes you!

( If you would like to add a pink Montana Sapphire heart necklace or blue infinity ring from our large selection of Montana Yogo’s and Sapphires, just contact us and we can make that happen!)


SKU: girlnight Category:


Romance is in the air! This entirely Made in Montana kit has items to create a cozy retreat. Included in this kit are a selection of Montana products that are the beginning of a great loving time. To begin, add water, ice and tequila to the Montana Margarita mix and place in iced glasses, light the soy candle-these are made by  Sunshine Can-dles of Polson and feature scented soy candles in new Montana Brewery skins-with the ambiance set, draw a bath with the Rock Creek Bath Bubble bomb, enjoying the scents and sensations.

While bathing share some creamy delicious Bequet Chocolate Caramels as you sip your margarita. When you are dried off from your immersion, apply gentle Windrift Hills Goat Milk Lotion, soothing and aromatic, then you enjoy where your relaxation takes you!

( If you would like to add a pink Montana Sapphire heart necklace or blue infinity ring from our large selection of Montana Yogo’s and Sapphires, just contact us and we can make that happen! Unless you have a specific scent that you desire, all beauty items will be selected by staff as there are many to choose from)