Antler Bottle Toppers
Montana Antlers made into these unique bottle toppers! The wine bottle toppers have corkscrews inside a. These fine pieces make any bar beautiful! Truly the crowns are from local whitetail and mule deer.

Antler Bullet Pen with Bolt Action
KcCreations Antler Artistry – a unique product using natural shed antlers. These unique bullet, antler pens with bolt action are truly a great office or celebratory gift that will be treasured.
Select your preference of antler and finish. If we have your preference in stock, we will ship it it to you! If your exact preference isn't available, we will hand-select one that you will be sure to appreciate and send it.

Antler Cribbage Board
Local Montana antlers made into cribbage boards! Best gift ever for cribbage players. Pegs are enclosed, so all you need is a standard deck of cards. Local ranchers throw their board in the back of the pickup for after brandings or big gully washers (aka rainstorms). We will hand-select an excellent board for your specific order.